
Accordion and Tabs - Advanced rich text editor

Accordion and Tabs - Advanced rich text editor

We're excited to introduce a long-awaited feature update to our Accordion and Tabs apps that will transform the way you present your content: the advanced rich text editor.


What's new?

The advanced rich text editor enhances your content creation experience within the Accordion and Tabs apps. You now have the power to:

  1. Add visuals: Incorporate images and videos to make your content more captivating.

    Accordion - Video content

  2. Organise data: Use tables to display information clearly and effectively.

  3. Enhanced formatted text: Emphasise key points and maintain consistency throughout your content. We've taken inspiration from the SharePoint Text web part to build a familiar editing experience.

    Accordion and Tabs - Advanced rich text editor 

How to get started:

This update is due to land in the first week of September.

This feature will currently be available to customers with Accordion and Tabs deployed from the SharePoint Store, but we would be happy to discuss transitioning your installation so you can take advantage of this feature at the earliest opportunity. Please get in touch if you need assistance.

For customers already on a SharePoint Store installation, you can visit page 8 of our installation guide for instructions on updating your Accelerator apps once the update lands in September.

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